New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).


Class Description
Community Examples: PTO Groups, Boy & Girl Scout Troops, Athletic Boosters, Band Boosters, etc. 
District Internal Internal district staff only

Organizations and groups not affiliated with the Troy School District.

Examples: Non District Athletic Organizations, Dance Organizations, Religious Organizations, Homeowners Associations, etc. 


City of Troy ONLY

Examples: Troy Police, Troy Fire, Public Works, Troy Parks and Recreation.

User Information








Group Information

  1. COMMUNITY Classification Examples: Boy and girl scout troops, TBB, Middle School and Elementary Robotics groups. 
  2. EXTERNAL Classification Examples: Troy Cowboys, Dance Organizations, Church Organizations, Sport Organizations
  3. MUNICIPALITY Classification: Applies to the City of Troy ONLY.  This include Troy Park and Rec, Troy Fire, Troy PD. 

When submitting a request, please associate your group to the building or department you are a part of.  For Example:  If you are a teacher at Troy High, please submit your "group" as Troy High Internal.  If you are an athletic coach at one of the high schools please submit your "group" under the building name in which you coach at.  For example: if you are a coach at Athens, please submit your "group" as Athens Athletics.







Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.


Thank you for your interest in our facilities.  We now require organizations to upload proof of liability insurance prior to any facility use.  Please review the District Rental Policies and Procedures packet as all the information for liability insurance requirements can be found there. 
Additional Group Files